After attending the GCAGS mid-year meeting May, 2014, in Lafayette, Louisiana (hosted by GCAGS President Mary Broussard) the strength in unity of GCAGS member societies became clear to the GCAGS 2015 leadership team. We all explore a common geography using similar techniques and approaches. GCAGS members (close to 10,000 members of the AAPG) share a proud history of Leadership, Discovery, Technology, and Education. We are members of a community that helps each other through the strength of our individual efforts, good communication, and sharing of ideas.
Goals for the year:
1) Advancing Gulf Coast Geoscience,
2) Helping all GCAGS members and component societies by improved (web enabled) communication, and
3) Engaging future leaders by encouraging young professionals to become more active in GCAGS.
Just completed applications to join all GCAGS member societies. There are 12 in US, plus Mexico. Doing my part to raise the GNP of GCAGS. 10 applications by snail mail, the rest by electrons.