The 2015 GCAGS Technical Program includes the following:
Monday Morning Oral Program
- Gulf Mega-Regional Seismic Interpretation
- U.S. Gulf Deepwater Fields I
- Salt Tectonics – Gulf of Mexico and the World
- Caribbean and Colombia Exploration
- Extracting Hydrocarbons from Source Rocks
Monday Afternoon Oral Program
- U.S. Gulf Deepwater Fields II
- Geophysical Problem-Solving Technology
- Global 3D Seismic Studies (GCSSEPM)
- Mexico Exploration and Opportunities
- Rock Samples and Reservoir Analysis
- Advanced Studies of Petroleum Systems
Tuesday Morning Oral Program
- Education and Leadership Forum I
- Onshore Gulf of Mexico Exploration I
- Groundwater Environmental Case Studies
- Special Forum: Geologists as Leaders in Finance, Banking, and A&D
Tuesday Afternoon Oral Program
- Education and Leadership Forum II
- Panel Discussion: Geo-Generations – 60 Years of Family Fun in the Patch
- Onshore Gulf of Mexico Exploration II
- Environmental and Coastal Geology
- Chemostratigraphy and Paleontology
- Seismic Attributes and Geophysical Technology
- New Ideas in Mapping and Exploration