Conference registration is required for enrollment in field trips and short courses, with the exception of the More! Rocks in Your Head teacher program. See the Registration page for details on registration options. Save with Early Bird rates until August 16th!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Houston Hilton Americas – Room 337 AB
Maximum 60 Participants
Cost: $150 per person (includes refreshments, lunch, and all course materials)
Instructor: Harry Rowe (BEG) and Alexander Seyfarth (Bruker Elemental)
This course will:
1) Provide a theoretical background for using XRF,
2) Develop participant experience with XRF scanning of mudrocks and other geological materials,
3) Evaluate the strengths and limitations of being quantitative with handheld XRF instrumentation, and
4) Demonstrate how handheld XRF-based chemostratigraphic techniques can be utilized to strengthen hypotheses and interpretations of mudrock successions.
The course will be aimed at geologists who study mudrocks, but the general knowledge base will be applicable to many different aspects of chemostratigraphy, mineral chemistry, and trace element geochemistry. The course will provide basic x-ray theory and general use/applications content, and will touch on advanced theory, instrument calibration, and additional applications to mudrock studies.
Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and all course materials will be provided.
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