Conference registration is required for enrollment in field trips and short courses, with the exception of the More! Rocks in Your Head teacher program. See the Registration page for details on registration options. Save with Early Bird rates until August 16th!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Houston Hilton Americas – Room 335 A
Maximum 50 Participants
Cost: $100 per person (includes morning refreshments and all course materials)
Instructor: Toddy Guidry (Core Laboratories)
Many times the only exposure a geologist gets to fluids is hearing the reservoir engineer ‘talk’ about getting ‘PVT samples’. This ½ day short course will take a detailed look at fluids behavior, sampling, analysis, production trends and cover experimental methods performed as part of the blueprint for a comprehensive fluids program.
The need for good, representative reservoir fluid samples is critical to the effective design and operation of any development project. The decision to build and deploy production facilities exposes producers to millions and even billions of dollars of investment risk, and a solid understanding of formation fluids right after discovery plays an essential part in mitigating that risk. Whether obtaining wireline formation test tool samples from 20,000 feet in deepwater environments or surface separator samples in Louisiana, fluid analysis provides the ammunition needed for more efficient use of assets.
The “big picture” may include many separate investigations, including determining drive mechanisms, formation rock properties, geophysical properties as well as formation fluid properties. Fluids analysis provides data critical to predicting well and reservoir performance, surface and subsea facilities design, and fluid quality assessment for determining market price. These data also can provide vital information on what hardware will be needed, including metallurgy for wells and production facilities, valve sizes and type, maximum flow line length and optimum diameters for subsea tiebacks as well as a host of other factors in development.
Outline of Topics Covered:
- Introduction to PVT analysis? Why? When? What? Who?
- Reservoir Engineering 101
- Phase Behavior
- Fluid Properties, Fluid Diagnosis
- Geochemistry, fingerprinting, crude ‘quality’
- Production trends for oil and gas reservoirs
- Overview of Sampling Sources
- Surface vs Subsurface
- Pros/Cons of each
- Formation Test Tool sampling
- Blueprint for Complete Fluids Program
- Chemistry, Component Analyses, Impurities
- Physical Properties, ‘PVT’ Experiments
- Flow Assurance
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Estimating Surface Recoveries
- Mathematics, Modeling etc
- Report formats, “how good” is the data
- Bringing it all together – The Real Value of Fluids Analysis
- How is the data used
- Bottomline: Increasing RRR and Decreasing F&D!
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