Conference registration is required for enrollment in field trips and short courses, with the exception of the More! Rocks in Your Head teacher program. See the Registration page for details on registration options. Save with Early Bird rates until August 16th!
Sunday, September 20, 2015
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Houston Hilton Americas – Room 336 AB
Maximum 70 Participants
Cost: $50 per person (includes refreshments, lunch, and all course materials)
Instructors: Larry Garmezy and Steven Bloemendaal (Global Geological Advisors/Prospect Maturation Experts, Shell Exploration & Production Co.)
This one-day short course is designed to introduce the participant to the fundamentals of basin analysis, the evaluation of petroleum systems, and quantitative prospect assessment (risk and volumes). Following brief lectures, the students will work in teams to evaluate, delineate, and describe the critical elements of a working hydrocarbon province. They will learn about the variety of maps needed to produce an evaluation, how to build play element maps on a specific reservoir interval, summary play maps that describe how the play works, and where the sweet spots are located. These products are the foundation of all successful hydrocarbon evaluations. This is followed by a hands-on suite of exercises which emphasize practical, simple principles for carrying out a quantitative prospect assessment. In addition, this year’s course will include insight from past participants who will share their own IBA experiences, and will also assist with the course.
Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and all course materials will be provided.
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