This Short Course has been CANCELLED.
Conference registration is required for enrollment in field trips and short courses, with the exception of the More! Rocks in Your Head teacher program. See the Registration page for details on registration options. Save with Early Bird rates until August 16th!
Saturday, September 19, 2015
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Houston Hilton Americas – Room 335 A
Maximum 50 Participants
Cost: $150 per person (includes refreshments, lunch, and all course materials)
Instructor: Sarah Stanley (IHS Energy)
Geosteering for Young Professionals will include an overview by Sarah Stanley on the fundamentals of directional drilling and include powerpoint documentation. The course will include a panel of five experienced geologists, from independent oil companies, who will show case studies of geosteering in fault zones and geosteering using mudlogging tools.A question and answer session at the end of the day with the professionals will help attendees apply the class exercises to their daily work in unconventional plays.
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