The Technical Program will be held on the 3rd floor of the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston. Please attend the Session/Awards Ceremony, Sunday September 20, 5:00-6:00 pm in Room 310ABC. The Speaker & Poster Ready Room (330AB in the G. R. Brown Convention Center) will be open Sunday 1:00-5:00 pm.
Icebreaker festivities are Sunday, September 20, in the Exhibit Hall B3 from 6:00-8:00 pm. Poster sessions can be set up prior to the Icebreaker. All professional and student posters must be set up by Monday at 8:00 am in the Exhibit Hall.
You may have attended AAPG meetings at the George R. Brown Convention Center before. The difference will be that all GCAGS activities will be on the 3rd floor, whereas the AAPG was spread between the 1st and 3rd floors. It will be a quick walk between your poster session, technical talks, luncheons and registration.
The George R. Brown Convention Center website has maps and parking information, including updates on downtown Houston construction projects that may affect parking.
We encourage you to attend the Speaker and Poster Breakfast on the day of your talk. The Speaker and Poster Breakfasts are served from 7:00 am to 8:00 am.
- Monday Breakfast location: Bush Grand Ballroom, 3rd floor, George R. Brown Convention Center
- Tuesday Breakfast location: Room 360 ABDE, George R. Brown Convention Center.
Why you need to attend: You can meet the other presenters for your session and get a poster presenter ribbon for your name badge. The GCAGS Poster Chair and volunteers will be at the breakfast to meet you and assist you with supplies.
The GCAGS-GCSSEPM technical program is Monday, September 21 and Tuesday, September 22.
Poster sessions can be set up Sunday, September 20 at 5:00 pm prior to the Icebreaker in Exhibit Hall B3. All Professional and Student posters MUST be set up by Monday at 8:00 am in Exhibit Hall B3.
Poster sessions stay up all day Monday, and Tuesday morning till noon.
Professionals should take down their posters after 12 pm on Tuesday, September 22.
Students registered for the Tuesday –Wednesday AAPG-SEG Student Expo can take their posters to the Bush Ballroom on Tuesday morning and participate in the Student Expo activities.
You have an assigned number for your poster booth in Exhibit Hall B3. The GCAGS Poster Chair, Meredith Faber, will send you your booth number.
Professional posters have two presentation panels with hanging space of 44” by 91”
Student posters have one presentation panel: 44” by 91”
Professional and Student Poster presenters should be present in their poster area at these times:
- Sunday Night Icebreaker at 6 pm (can come and go while socializing).
- Monday morning 9:20 am to 10:20 am and Monday afternoon 2:20 pm to 3:20 pm. Be available to talk with judges.
Please note the times listed in the meeting announcement are INCORRECT.
GCAGS poster judging for students will be completed on Monday afternoon and an announcement of the First , Second and Third Place winners will take place in the Exhibit Hall B3 at approximately 5:30 pm, during the President’s Reception. Students will want to attend to accept their awards and congratulate the winners.
GCAGS professional poster judging will be completed on Tuesday morning and winners will be notified after the convention is over. The Exhibit Hall closes at 1:30 pm Tuesday.
Posters should be attached to the poster panels using Velcro tape. The “hook” side of the tape will adhere to the fabric on the poster boards. Velcro can support both heavy paper and laminated posters. You can also use push pins to hang your poster on the poster boards. Bring your own Velcro to the meeting (available in office supply stores) and GCAGS will have backup supplies, including tape and scissors.
The AAPG/SEG Student Expo will take place on the same floor after GCAGS 2015 on September 22 and will end on September 23. Students may use their GCAGS poster at the Expo; the required poster dimensions are the same. There will be plenty of time on Tuesday to move your poster from the Exhibition Hall to the Expo location in the 3rd floor ballroom of GRB.
IMPORTANT: If you are planning on participating in the Student Expo, you must register for that event separately. Your GCAGS registration WILL NOT admit you to the Expo.You will receive notification when registration for the Student Expo opens (around July 2015). If you have questions or need additional information about the Expo, visit
If you are registered as a student for GCAGS on Monday you can attend both Monday and Tuesday GCAGS events. AAPG-SEG Student Expo attendees (not registered for Monday GCAGS events) will be admitted to GCAGS Tuesday morning and afternoon technical sessions at no charge.
Here are some tips so your talk will be a candidate for poster awards:
1. Read the tips on the AAPG website in Chapter 6 of the following:
2. Poster Presenters should be prepared to give a five minute talk about their poster research when they are present in the poster booth area. Judges will be evaluating posters during the Monday morning and afternoon breaks in the technical program.
3. Posters must be self-explanatory and organized in a way viewers can easily follow the flow of information from beginning to end.
All oral and poster presenters should register for the 2015 Convention by August 16, 2015. There is a discounted price of $200 for professional registration that includes the Sunday Icebreaker, all day Monday, and all day Tuesday access to the technical sessions and Exhibit Hall. After August 16, the registration price increases to $300. Student poster presenters can register for $35. Register Now.
Hotel Reservations are available at the Hilton Americas-Houston hotel and can be made during the online registration. Alternatively you can call 1-800-Hiltons as ask for the group code 1GS. Presenters can stay at any downtown Houston hotel, but be aware GCAGS is not running buses between hotels.
Any other questions on the Poster Sessions?
Or at
Phone: 214-454-9303