Thanks to all the geoscientists who submitted oral papers and posters by the extended deadline of January 17, 2015.
For non-students, the general Call for Papers is now CLOSED.
If you submitted an abstract online, and want to change it, please email Linda Sternbach, Technical Program Chair.
After notification of acceptance on February 4, 2015, authors can submit full papers (up to 12 pages) to the GCAGS Transactions by mid-March, 2015 to the GCAGS Transactions Editor, Steve Levine.
Student poster presenters are invited to participate in both the GCAGS poster session and the AAPG/SEG Student Expo. Students can get more info HERE, with a deadline of February 20, 2015.
Note: Student Poster Session is Monday, September 21, 2015 at the George R. Brown Convention Center, Third floor. Poster session is 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Poster size is one panel only.
The Student Poster can be the same as what the student plans to show at the AAPG-SEG Student Expo on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept 22-23.
Email the following information to Linda Sternbach to submit a poster abstract:
Submitting Author’s Name
University Name
Poster Title
Degree working toward (MS or Ph.D)
Mailing Address
City, State, Zipcode
Submitting Author’s Email Address
Submitting Author’s Phone Number(s)
Co-author(s) Names, University and Email Address(es)
Poster Abstract Text (not more than 300 words)
Publish your work in the upcoming GCAGS Journal!!
(a new peer-reviewed journal of Gulf Coast Geoscience)
Instructions: An extended abstract of at least 600 words, including 1–2 representative figures, should be submitted by December 2, 2014, to the GCAGS Journal Editor, Barry Katz (
After acceptance, a full manuscript must be submitted by March 24, 2015. Convention presentations of Journal submissions are encouraged, but not required.