Jingqiu Huang, Don Van Nieuwenhuise, and Shuhab D. Khan
Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, 312 Science and Research Bldg. 1, 4800 Calhoun Rd., Houston, Texas, 77204–5007
Seismic Profiles in Downtown Houston for an Integrated Approach to Identify Faults and Hazards
Seismic Attributes and Geophysical Technology (GRBCC, Room 332B)
Tuesday, September 22, 2015, 2:25 pm
Active faults in urban areas are hazards that can cause damage to critical infrastructures. Previous works have mapped over 300 faults in Houston and surrounding areas, but many active faults remain to be found and mapped. This study locates and images faults in the highly populated medical center and university areas just south of downtown Houston. It is challenging to identify faults in densely populated urban areas so we performed an integrated geophysical survey. This study presents data from aerial light detecting and ranging (LiDAR), two-dimensional seismic profiles, and a gravity profile to map subsurface fault segments. Gravity modeling revealed faults near the Pierce Junction Salt Dome and surrounding area. The deepest fault mapped at the cross point of the two seismic profiles dips to the southeast and the measured displacement across the fault is ~20 m.